Grace Marie Gamble Jennings
...church. From the time mom and dad moved to Waverley Road, she made the church her second home and the congregation her second family. She involved herself into many aspects and groups like the Mother's Union, Head of the Altar Guild, ACW and a brownie tester for the girls trying to earn their badges.
Outside the church, the front porch was used as a drop off point of donations for many events and charities.
Another job she was proud to do was a crosswalk guard, continuing her involvement with the children after being a schoolyard monitor and working in the library for a few years, while I attended Michael Wallace School.
Her friendships didn't end at the doors of St, Andrews, she would spend time with Gladys, Bernie, Sheila and of course,
Dot Leslie, playing various card games, bingo, which I tagged along from time to time, as well as being in a bowling league with other church ladies, where I was lucky enough to become a full time member, where I could enjoy their company and share in their stories and laughter.
So many memories that I could share. I look back and remember why I am so thankful she was my mom, making memories that I will forever hold in my thoughts and my heart.
My mom, my best friend, I will never forget you.
Your daughter Sherry